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Divi vs Gutenberg comparison [2024] 💥

Divi vs Gutenberg

Page Builder Comparison: Divi vs Gutenberg

Analyze the distinct features and functionalities of Divi and Gutenberg, two prominent WordPress page builders. This page offers a side-by-side feature comparison followed by detailed evaluations of each builder. Whether you're a professional developer or a hobbyist, this guide will help you understand which builder is better suited to your specific web creation needs.

Feature Divi 5 Gutenberg
Rating 4.9 on Trustpilot 2.1 on WordPress.org
Customization ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Advanced with Divi Builder 5) ⭐⭐ (Basic, primarily for content layout, lacks advanced design features)
Performance ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Optimized for top performance with Divi 5) ⭐⭐⭐ (Decent, optimized for core WordPress functionality, but may lag behind in complex scenarios)
Pre-built Templates ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Vast selection, top-quality designs) ⭐⭐ (Limited to blocks and patterns, less comprehensive than Divi)
Price ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Superior value with extensive features) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Free, integral part of WordPress, no additional cost)
Ease of Use ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Highly user-friendly with enhanced visual builder) ⭐⭐⭐ (User-friendly for basic uses, but can be challenging for complex designs)
Support ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Dedicated and comprehensive support) ⭐⭐ (Basic support through WordPress community forums)
Community ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Large, highly engaged community) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Wide user base due to being part of WordPress)
Flexibility ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Highly adaptable to complex web needs) ⭐⭐ (Basic flexibility, best for simple layouts)
Updates and Improvements ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Constant innovation with significant updates) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Regular updates but focused more on integration and stability than expansion)

DIVIBUILDER (Divi vs Gutenberg)

Divi is the best-selling Wordpress page builder ever...

Divi 5 Theme

Greetings, WordPress aficionados! This year, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Divi theme with the introduction of Divi 5. With this upgrade, we're moving from a single powerful solution to a comprehensive design ecosystem. Secure your Divi license now to tap into exclusive features at a special anniversary price.

Visit the Elegant Themes website for all the technical details, but stay here for engaging stories and insights. The Divi website itself is a testament to what is achievable in digital design, offering a user experience that is as intuitive as it is beautiful.


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DIVI AI (Text & Image Generator)

Image Perfection: Fine-tune your nearly perfect images with Divi AI, which adjusts every pixel to match your specifications, ensuring your visuals are flawless.

Automated Content Assembly: Enhance your productivity with Divi AI, a tool that simplifies the creation of text, images, or entire sections, perfectly aligning with your creative demands.

Brand-Specific Content Creation: Divi AI tailors content to fit your brand’s voice, starting from simple inputs to creating engaging interactions that reflect your audience's interests.

Rapid Custom Imagery: Need a customized image quickly? Divi AI delivers precision visuals in seconds, fully adapted to the context of your content.

Eliminating Creative Stagnation: With Divi AI, creative blocks are a thing of the past. It provides fresh ideas and practical solutions to maintain your creative momentum.

On-the-Spot Quality Content: Divi AI isn’t just fast; it produces rich, engaging content tailored to your needs, functioning as a top-tier content creator at your command.

Enhanced Editing Services: Improve your content with Divi AI’s advanced editing capabilities, which fine-tune tone and clarity, ensuring your message is delivered with professional precision.

Divi AI


Dive into the depth of color with Divi's Advanced Gradient Builder. Comparable to the gradient tools in Photoshop, this feature enables designers to blend and transition colors with precision, offering a spectrum of artistic possibilities for any website's backdrop.

Divi Theme Advanced Gradients


Unlock unprecedented design flexibility with Divi's Divi Layout Cloud. This feature acts as a dynamic digital workspace, allowing you to save and sync layouts across devices and platforms, ensuring you have access to your projects whenever inspiration strikes.

Divi Theme Layout Cloud


Divi Theme Webshops

Divi 1-click demo lay-outs

Divi Theme Online Stores

Immerse yourself in the unique features of Divi's WooCommerce-Builder by viewing our latest video. This powerful tool is perfect for crafting bespoke e-commerce experiences, offering rich customization for every aspect of product and category page design. Be sure to check out our diverse array of 229 Divi templates, each showcasing different ways to utilize these features effectively.

These demos illustrate just how versatile and user-friendly the Divi Builder is, making it easy to implement sophisticated layouts quickly and efficiently. Partnered with Elementor Pro, Divi elevates the functionality and aesthetic of any online store to the highest standards.

DIVIBUILDER (Pagebuilder)


The DiviBuilder excels in delivering a user-friendly, precise page building experience, ensuring that your website looks exactly as intended. It is equipped with a comprehensive suite of elements and effects, designed to enhance the speed and efficiency of the design process.

As a part of Divi, the DiviBuilder also comes as a standalone plugin, giving you the versatility to use it with different themes, thereby enhancing your toolkit for web design. For a hands-on experience with its powerful features, explore the DiviBuilder on the Divi website, where you can test its extensive functionalities.


Divi Theme Speed

With Divi 5, experience a groundbreaking decrease in loading times and memory usage, delivering performance twice as fast as Divi 4. These updates bring the agility of a race drone to your website, offering quick maneuvers and efficient processing. Delve into how these changes can accelerate your site's performance by watching the detailed video on Divi 5's speed advancements.


Divi Theme Effects

With Divi, users gain access to high-caliber image editing tools that allow detailed adjustments in exposure, colors, and special effects like sepia, ensuring the original image quality is preserved. This suite of tools converts your computer into an all-encompassing photo studio, eliminating the dependency on additional editing software.

Divi also adds a layer of interactivity to websites with its scroll effects, including parallax for depth and slide-in animations for engagement. Features such as a multi-layered parallax hero and an animated timeline with a sports car that dynamically reveals text enhance the user experience. For a full overview, check out the examples here.


Divi Theme Transforms

Uncover the new functionalities of Divi's Transforms tool in Divi 5.0 by following this link. The latest updates enhance web page loading speeds and simplify user interfaces, reflecting the latest developments in WordPress technology for enhanced web design.

Additionally, the newly enhanced API offers developers increased flexibility to craft custom modules, expanding Divi’s capabilities. These improvements reinforce Divi as an essential web design tool, offering precision edits and adjustments similar to Photoshop’s functionalities.


Divi Theme Shape Dividers

Unlock the power of DiviBuilder's Shape Dividers to bring fluidity and innovation to your website design. This feature offers an array of customizable options that allow you to manipulate shapes and lines to complement your site’s content beautifully. It’s time to think beyond traditional layouts and explore how these dividers can make your website not only functional but also artistically captivating. Dive into the details by watching this video.


Divi Theme Bulk Edit

Improve your website design workflow with Divi's Bulk Edit feature, which significantly reduces the time required to make comprehensive updates across multiple elements. From global style changes to structural modifications, Bulk Edit handles it all with ease and precision.

This tool is a game-changer for developers and designers who need to implement consistent updates quickly across their sites. Experience the benefits of Bulk Edit and see it in action by watching this video.


Divi Theme Drop Shadows

Revolutionize your image design with Divi's Drop Shadows, allowing you to apply and customize shadows without the need for Photoshop. This intuitive feature within the Divi Builder provides easy adjustments for a shadow's blur, spread, and opacity, making it simpler to add depth and focus to your visuals.

Learn to master shadow effects on your images by watching this video, which guides you through the process.


Divi Theme split testing

Divi's enhanced Split Testing tools, integrated with Divi Leads, offer a comprehensive approach to optimizing web pages. Test different elements within your site to understand better what drives user engagement and conversions.

The tools are designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to implement tests and see results quickly. This functionality ensures that your website remains at the forefront of digital marketing effectiveness.


The $89 annual standard plan from Divi is a popular choice among web developers, offering unlimited access and updates. It's seen as an economical option for maintaining and expanding online platforms efficiently.

For those needing more advanced features, the $277 Divi Pro plan includes pioneering AI tools and extensive cloud storage, making it a premium option for serious web development projects.


Divi transforms the way websites are designed, offering tools that cater to a range of professional needs. The platform's community of 974,872 members contributes to an ever-evolving suite of features, ensuring tools are up-to-date and effective. To see what users say about their experience, visit Trustpilot.

Join a community that shapes the future of web design, providing insights that help all members achieve their creative goals.

Visit Divi

GUTENBERG REVIEW (Divi vs Gutenberg)

Gutenberg Wordpress editor review

In this Divi vs Gutenberg we now continue with Gutenberg which is not an easy task as there is little good to report. When Gutenberg was just out, I was shocked. Where was the Wordpress editor? It is then thought to be an improvement and is trying to work with it. I quickly found out it was the biggest mess possible. What a disappointment. In this Gutenberg Wordpress editor review for [2024] we look at whether more people are not happy with this and what the future holds.

Gutenberg editor Ratings

For starters, on the plugin page itself, let's see what the ratings are for it.

Gutenberg editor review ratings

An average rating of 2 stars. Of the approximately 3000 people who gave a rating, 2100 gave the minimum number of 1 star, if they could have rated 0, they probably would have. On the other hand, there were 600 people that gave a 5 star rating. I had to think how this is possible, but you know the internet as well as I do and it is customary to always give the maximum 5 stars even if you are not so happy to please the builders of something. In this Gutenberg review, we therefore note that the majority of people think it is a rubbish heap, just like me.

Disable Gutenberg

To get rid of the terrible Gutenberg editor, there are several plugins. We take a closer look at 2, the first is "Disable Gutenberg".

Gutenberg editor review ratings

Above, it can be seen that out of the practically 500 people who rated this plugin that has been installed over 5 million times, all but 4 gave it all 5 stars, so glad they got rid of Gutenberg for good.

Classic Wordpress editor

The "Classic Editor" plugin is from Wordpress itself and will be there at least until 2024 as they apparently know for themselves that Gutenberg is no good. Apparently they think they can make something of it in a year or two. The problem will be that practically everyone has hated it by then. Well, millions of people use this plugin and its ratings can be found below.

Wordpress Classic editor ratings

The editor itself

On paper, Gutenberg is a WYSIWIG front-end page builder. When you use the word page builder you probably think of a Divi-like experience but forget it quickly. Gutenberg is very slow (too much Javascript) and works very clumsy. The image below gives an image of what you will be presented in the back-end and front-end, you have to do with that. The only thing that can be considered positive is that when you "paste" a large text with titles and blocks of text, the editor itself divides everything into blocks. I say positive, but some people may prefer to take control of it themselves, so it can be very annoying.

Gutenberg back-end view

Gutenberg back-end editor

Gutenberg front-end view

Gutenberg front-end editor

Gutenberg with certain themes

In combination with good themes like Astra or Generatepress is the worksheet a bit more attractive as shown in the pictures below. Despite that, there is still no comparison with really good editors out there today like Divi, Elementor and Thrive.

Gutenberg + Generatepress

Gutenberg + Generatepress

Gutenberg + Astra

Gutenberg + Astra

Gutenberg guinea pigs

In principle, we as Wordpress users are used to test the Gutenberg editor until after a year or 4 it can finally be used properly. Obviously this is concealed, it is pretended to be a fantastic improvement in Wordpress. Otherwise everyone would immediately disapprove of the editor, which is already the case with the ratings. People are not crazy, of course.

I will not go into all the small details, Gutenberg is completely BETA and should first be tested well for a few years without being in Wordpress. Furthermore, there is a lot missing in the editor, it is confusing, slow and not precise.

My advice regarding Divi vs Gutenberg

First of all, thank you for reading my Divi vs Gutenberg review to the end. My advice is simple. Don't work with Gutenberg to avoid disappointments and mistakes. At the very least, immediately install one of the 2 plugins discussed above that will make Gutenberg disappear and restore the old familiar Wordpress editor.

If you are willing to incur some cost to work with a good editor, it is best to purchase the Divi Theme, with the Divi Builder (pagebuilder) already in it. This is the cream of the crop in this area and you will not regret it.


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