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WordPress Get Page Slug [2024] 💥

WordPress Get Page Slug

WordPress is a powerful and versatile content management system (CMS) that provides users with a range of features to build dynamic websites. One important aspect of managing content in WordPress is understanding how to retrieve the page slug, which plays a crucial role in creating user-friendly URLs and optimizing your website for search engines. In this article, we will explore what a page slug is, why it's important, and how you can easily retrieve it in WordPress.


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Understanding Page Slugs:

In WordPress, a page slug refers to the part of a URL that identifies a specific page on your website. It is usually a lowercase version of the page title, with spaces replaced by hyphens (-) or underscores (_) to create a clean and SEO-friendly URL structure. For example, if your page title is "About Us," the corresponding page slug might be "about-us." Slugs are essential for creating readable and memorable URLs that both users and search engines can easily understand.

Importance of Page Slugs:

Page slugs are vital for several reasons:

  1. SEO Optimization: Search engines use page slugs as a crucial factor in determining the relevancy and context of a web page. A well-structured slug with relevant keywords can improve your website's visibility and ranking in search engine results.
  2. User Experience: Clear and concise page slugs help visitors understand the content they can expect to find on a particular page. When users see a URL that matches their search intent, they are more likely to click on it, leading to better user engagement and increased website traffic.

Retrieving Page Slugs in WordPress:

WordPress provides a simple and convenient way to retrieve page slugs. You can use the get_post_field() function along with the 'post_name' parameter to fetch the slug of a specific page. Here's an example of how you can use this function:

$page_id = get_queried_object_id(); // Get the current page ID
$page_slug = get_post_field('post_name', $page_id); // Retrieve the page slug
echo $page_slug; // Display the page slug

In the code snippet above, we first retrieve the current page's ID using the get_queried_object_id() function. Then, we pass the page ID along with the 'post_name' parameter to get_post_field() to retrieve the slug. Finally, we use echo to display the page slug on the page.

You can place this code in your theme's template files (e.g., page.php or single.php) or within a WordPress shortcode to display the slug dynamically on any page or post.


Understanding how to retrieve page slugs in WordPress is crucial for creating SEO-friendly URLs and providing a better user experience. By incorporating relevant keywords into your page slugs, you can improve your website's visibility in search engine results and increase click-through rates. Utilize the get_post_field() function in WordPress to easily retrieve the page slug and implement it effectively in your website's structure. With this knowledge, you'll be able to optimize your WordPress website and enhance its overall performance.


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