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22 Tips to Restore Deleted YouTube Videos on
Android and iPhone [2024] 💥

How Restore my Deleted YouTube Videos on Android and iPhone

Tip #1: Check Your Video List

Start by reviewing your YouTube video list. There could be a chance that the video is not deleted but unlisted or private, making it invisible to the public or even to you when not logged in. Open your YouTube app, visit your channel, and scrutinize all your videos, including the private and unlisted ones.


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Tip #2: Look in the YouTube Studio

YouTube Studio can be a lifesaver for content creators. Navigate through YouTube Studio to review your videos as some might just be hidden or archived. Ensure to check all the tabs, including the "Videos", "Live", and "Posts" to ensure no stone is left unturned.

Tip #3: Use the YouTube Report a Problem Feature

Report a problem to YouTube if you believe that your content was mistakenly deleted or it’s missing without any prior notice or valid reasons. Clearly, explain the issue, ensuring that you provide all necessary details to facilitate a quick resolution.

"Patience is a virtue; results won’t appear overnight."

Tip #4: Verify Google Account Recovery Options

Ensure that your two-step verification is enabled. It adds an extra layer of security to your Google account. If your video was deleted due to a security breach, strengthening your security settings can be a step towards the recovery process.

Tip #5: Check the Trash

On Android and iPhone, deleted videos might still be in the trash. Inspect both your device’s trash and Google's bin. If found, restoring the videos is as easy as clicking the restore option, and voila! Your video will be back online.

Tip #6: Use a File Recovery Tool on Android

There are numerous third-party applications that you can use to recover deleted files, including YouTube videos, on your Android device. Download a reliable app from the Google Play Store, follow the prompts, and recover your deleted videos.

"When in doubt, seek professional help."

Tip #7: Seek Professional Assistance for iPhone

iPhone users can rely on professional services or software to recover deleted data. These experts have tools and techniques that are proven effective in data recovery. Always ensure to work with reputable service providers to avoid compromising your data and privacy.

Tip #8: Contact YouTube Support

Reach out to the YouTube support team. Provide details of your missing content and ask for assistance. Be patient, as it might take a while before you get a response. Your persistence and patience can pay off.

Tip #9: Explore Google Takeout

Google Takeout allows users to download their data. Visit the site, follow the steps, and you might just find your deleted YouTube videos. This process is simple, and you can recover your videos in no time.

Tip #10: Ensure Regular Backup

To avoid the panic and stress of losing your YouTube videos, ensure to back them up regularly. Having a backup gives you a safety net, and you can always restore your content if accidentally deleted or lost.

Tip #11: Utilize YouTube User Guide

Understanding YouTube functionalities is vital. The YouTube User Guide can be a helpful resource to explore features and solutions that can help in the recovery of deleted videos.

Tip #12: Third-Party Recovery Tools for PC

For videos that were deleted from a PC before uploading to YouTube, consider using third-party recovery tools. Select a trustworthy tool, install it on your computer, and follow the instructions to recover your lost files.

Tip #13: Check Email Notifications

You may have received an email notification if your video was flagged or removed. Check your email associated with the YouTube account for any notifications or instructions on how to restore your content. Also, explore the YouTube Analytics Guide to track the performance of your restored videos.

"Every problem has a solution; it’s all about finding the right one."

Tip #14: Seek Community Help

Visit YouTube community forums and groups. Seek advice and help from fellow YouTubers who might have faced a similar issue. Sharing experiences and solutions can provide insights on how to restore your deleted videos.

Tip #15: Verify YouTube Policies

Ensure that your content adheres to YouTube Community Guidelines. Videos that violate these guidelines are often removed. Understanding these policies can provide insights on why your video was deleted and how to restore it.

Tip #16: Utilize Social Media

Use social media platforms to raise awareness about your missing content. Sometimes, public attention can expedite the process of content review and restoration by YouTube. Be respectful and factual in your communication to avoid misinterpretation.

Tip #17: Consult Legal Advisors

If your content was removed due to copyright issues, seeking advice from legal advisors can be beneficial. Understand your rights and obligations to make informed decisions on the next steps.

Tip #18: Analyze YouTube Analytics

Keep an eye on your YouTube analytics. Monitor any irregularities or unusual activities that might suggest a problem. If videos are missing, the analytics can provide insights into what happened. You might want to learn more on this from the YouTube Analytics Guide.

Tip #19: Monitor Comments and Feedback

Comments and feedback from viewers can sometimes give clues on the status of your videos. Monitor the comments section closely for any information or alerts from viewers about missing or deleted content.

Tip #20: Regularly Update Your Account Information

Keep your YouTube account information updated. Sometimes, recovery options are sent to the email or phone number associated with the account. Ensuring that this information is current and accessible can facilitate the video recovery process.

Tip #21: Seek Help from Fellow YouTubers

Connect with fellow YouTubers and seek their assistance. Share your predicament and ask for advice. Their experiences and insights can be invaluable in navigating the recovery process. Moreover, enhancing your knowledge on mastering SEO on YouTube can be a long-term strategy to safeguard your content and enhance its visibility.

Tip #22: Be Proactive

Being proactive is your best defense against losing YouTube videos. Develop a habit of monitoring your account regularly, checking the security settings, and reviewing YouTube policies. This proactive approach can prevent accidental deletion and offer quick recovery options if videos get deleted.

"A stitch in time saves nine; prevention is better than cure."

Additional Resources and Support

1. Educational Content

Acquaint yourself with educational content available on YouTube and other platforms to understand the dynamics of video storage, deletion, and recovery. The YouTube User Guide can be a foundational resource to begin with. Diversify your knowledge and skills to manage and recover your content effectively.

2. Community Engagement

Engage with the YouTube community. Platforms like managing negative comments and promoting videos on social media have ample insights to offer. Learn from the experiences of others, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed.

3. Security Measures

Always prioritize the security of your YouTube account to prevent unauthorized access and potential deletion of videos. Enabling two-step verification is a fundamental step to enhance account security. Be vigilant about the security alerts and update your recovery options regularly.


Restoring deleted YouTube videos on Android and iPhone requires a strategic and informed approach. The tips outlined above are comprehensive and tailored to cater to various deletion scenarios. It’s crucial to understand the root cause of the deletion to apply the most suitable recovery option. Security, regular backups, and adherence to YouTube policies are foundational in preventing video deletion.

Always remember to stay updated with the YouTube policies and technological trends to safeguard your content effectively. The virtual world is dynamic, and staying informed is your best bet to navigate through the complexities of content creation, storage, and recovery on platforms like YouTube.

Lastly, always have a backup of your valuable content. In the digital age, data is an asset, and protecting it should be a priority for every content creator. Explore various backup options, including cloud storage, external drives, and professional backup services. Equip yourself with the right tools and knowledge to not only create captivating content but also to protect and recover it when the need arises.


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